Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Weston being a boy is always outside.  Every morning around 7:30, you can find me in my backyard with my pajama's on and a cup of coffee.  I'm either following monkey around, or taking him on a tractor ride (on the 4-wheeler). We got creative the other day and rode our play cars down a small little hill.  We did this about 500 times.  I thought to myself, "Oh! I can blog about this!" and got my camera out to take a video.  Then, this happened:

Wes is fine. he actually did a very graceful flip over the rocks and on the weeds.  Now he just pushes the car instead of riding it.

and since I just figured out (again) how to post video's, here are some more I've taken over the last few days:

love's shoes....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

He is sooo dang cute. I'm so glad you are blogging again! love you!