Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Startin' early

Weston is sleeping great in his new bedroom! He is still unsure where he is when he wakes up hungry so his cry is a little more frantic than usual but he's adjusting well. I am to the one to blame for his sleepless nights the past two days. I've begun the you're-not-preggy-any-more-so-stop-looking-like-it crusade and that includes eating LOTS of gross veggies, which in turn, gives me gassy milk. I'm sure you don't want the rest of the details but it gives little Wes a tummy ache :(

But the GOOD news is... Weston is going to be a baby model! The designer of an adorable baby brand called Caden Lane also owns a boutique here in San Antonio- which happens to be my favorite store so I'm in there all the time. The company is creating a new layette line called "Pity Shants" and he is going to be their cover baby for the catalog, website, and merchandise tags. I'm so excited and can't wait to share pictures!! The shoot is next Tuesday, pray that he's not fussy or doesn't have one of his signature "blow outs".

Sunday, January 11, 2009

We love our bath time!

More Holiday...

7 am tummy time

Papaw Fuller and his boy

kissing cousins. Logan is not very happy about it either.

All the men after a hard days work; the shop is starting to come together!

Denim Dan

Annual Christmas Eve drunk face
...and again. El Jaro's margarita's are the best!

Family picture!

Santa's Ranch

This one was my favorite!

We got a little bored waiting in line to drive through the Ranch.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

First nap in the BIG BOY nursery!

So tonight is going to be Weston's FIRST night in his own bedroom. He has been sleeping in our room ever since we came home from the hospital. The cradle (in our room) was supposed to be big enough for a 6 month old but apparently they don't accomodate big babies. The past few weeks I would wake up and either a leg or an arm would be stuck in a slat so we thought it was time. Although I know Weston will eventually sleep much more sound in the crib, I have a feeling I will be sleeping on his floor tonight... he has already woken up twice and it's only 8pm :(

4 Month update

Weston went to his 4 month check up Monday and it was all good news once again! Dr. Albrecht is so sweet, I think he has a special bond with Weston since he was his last baby to deliver (he gave up his license and is now strictly family practice). He said Wes is waaay ahead for his age (he's probably going to be ridiculously smart!). Joking aside, he can already hold his head on his own, can turn from front to back and vise verse, can ALMOST sit on his own, makes great eye contact, and can talk up a storm. He now weighs 17.2 lbs and is 26 inches long (85% in his age grp). Just to give you some kind of reference, our friends baby (although she is petite for her age) just turned one and weighs 19 lbs. BUT, he IS a boy too so that does make a bit of a difference. Then there's the fact that we breed on the intent of raising the next Earl Campbell or Barry Sanders.

Weston also got his shots this week. Speaking of shots, they are one of my big worries for little Wes. There are a million different ways to do them (timing, grouping etc.) and every way has it's pros and con's but we decided not to delay them. Yes, it can cause Autism but the odds are against us and it hasn't even been proven completely that the two are linked together. The thing that scared me the most, I think, was the rising number of infant disease and death due to an increasing number of families delaying vaccines.

What else is new... oh yes! Weston is sleeping until 8:00 am!!! He still wakes up at 5, but if I nurse him and put him into bed with me then I can get another 3 hours out of him. This makes a HUGE difference for mommas sanity :)

The Holidays

Weston has grown so much and is learning all kinds of new things. But first off, here are a few pictures from the holidays to catch you up.
This was taken over Thanksgiving at my Memaw's ranch. We had hoped to use them for Christmas cards but Weston didn't like any of his poses so we used a baptism one instead (which never got sent out, long story.)

The whole gang!

You should have seen the other end of this picture... imagine all 8 of us (plus a few cousins) twirling/dancing/singing/cooing/cock-a-doodle-doing just so we could get a good shot. And all we got was 3 babies giving a judgemental scowl.
future Longhorn. I love this one!
Brooks learned how to give kisses. Which, as you can see here, is more of a french kiss.

Memaw and her boy!

Weston's new sleep position, so cute!

Clint's co-pilot

Visiting Papaw J.O. and Grandma Trish (Clint's Grandparents)

My favorite picture ever! This was taken after Weston got baptised. It was such a special day!

Baptism cake

proud parents :) He didn't even cry when our Pastor dunked him.

Tree watching. Westons favorite pasttime during the holidays.

Could their profiles be any more alike? I love it!

Happy boy.

We slept through our first Santa encounter.