Thursday, November 13, 2008

10 weeks old!

Here are the latest silly little faces Weston is making. When he smiles, he curls his upper lip and coo's- it melts my heart! Everyday day he does something new and it makes me fall in love with him all over again.

He isn't a big fan of tummy time so I surround him with toys to distract him. It works for about 10 minutes then he realizes he doesn't like it.

He LOVES this bouncy seat! It's the cheapest thing I own ($25!). Take note, he has nothing to do with his luxury Graco sweat pea newborn soothing center with motion, touch, sound, site and scent features :/ Anyways, It vibrates and has these little toys dangling from them. I think he thinks that if he stares at the toys hard enough they will move on their own. We haven't learned how to hit them yet, but we're working on it, haha.

more concentrated staring...

The sweetest smile I love, this is what I wake up to every morning.

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