Friday, October 17, 2008

Big Boy Happenings

Time is going by too fast, I seriously feel like I'm not getting enough pictures. My computer keeps telling me the memory is low but I don't care... uploading 200 pictures a week is totally necessary. Weston is now weighing 13.6 pounds and is 23 inches long! Here are some updates:

- He can lift his head on his own but only for a few seconds. Then he gets tired and bangs his nose on my shoulder. If he's upset, he'll head bang me really hard so he can get the point across.
- He has rolled over twice on his play gym. The first time I had to help him a little but that evening I was showing Clint and he did it again all on his own.
- He only cries when he's hungry or has a dirty diaper which is great compared to some stories I hear. I am beginning to tell the difference between the two cries. His hungry cry is more like a whimper and his poopy cry is more of a wailing.
- He sleeps most of the night... we've even had a couple nights where he didn't wake up once! Every time he sleeps through the night I panic when I see the clock. I'm still a little paranoid he's going to starve to death.
- He is smiling now! This is one of the most rewarding parts about being a mommy. Seeing him react to Clint and I is so special and it melts my heart to see him with Clint.
- After a nap when he's still groggy, he will only open one eye just enough to see what's going on. I finally got a pic of the funny face.
- We are traveling all over town and he's my little trooper. He loves his car seat and is getting a hang out of nursing anywhere and everywhere- the car, the dressing room at Marshall's, even the wax room at Anne's Nails- the Chinese love him! Every time I hear, "ooooh, he getting so big". I'm like, "ya, you saw him last week lady, he's not that much bigger".
Ok I'll quit typing, here's the little man...
Showing his BIG muscles!
The silly poses mommy puts me in...
One eye open/ one eye closed combo
little angel

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