Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Happy Birthday Grammy!

Clint's mother, who we all call Grammy, has a birthday tomorrow- April 24th. Clint's sisters and I planned a suprise birthday party for her at the Gristmill monday afternoon. She had NO idea what was going on, I'm lucky I got her there in time. When I went to pick her up, she had to show me her entire garden she just had landscaped. All I could do was go along with it and not act rushed. But we got to the restaraunt in time with all her best friends there to celebrate. We all felt so guilty, I must have told her atleast 80 lies that morning! She is so special to me and I love her as my own. The party turned out great and she was certainly surprised! Here are some pictures:
Just after we sat down: Cindy, me, Paula:
Logan helping her blow out the candles:

Grammy and Dana- she drove down from Houston!:

Cindy and Grandma Bonnie:

Best Friends!:

And Logan, who tried to eat the roses:

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